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Why did you choose to run for Council?
I grew up in Mills River and have lived here my entire life.  I have had the opportunity to travel throughout our country and the world, but when I return I am reminded of just how special Mills River is.  My heart is in Mills River.  I am running because I understand that we are blessed to live in such a wonderful place, however if we don't work to preserve and protect our community then it will be lost to development.  I want future generations to be able to know and experience the same Mills River that we have, but that only comes with action.  I want to give back to the community that has given so much to me personally.  

What is your experience in serving the Town of Mills River?
From 2011-2020 I served on the Mills River Planning Board including roles as Vice Chairman and Chairman.  I also served on the Making Mills River Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee.  In 2020, I was appointed to Town Council to fill the remainder of an abdicated term ending in 2021.  This experience is critical for the future of Mills River as it will take a candidate who understands the complexities and legal aspects of planning to move the Town forward.  It will also take a candidate who is familiar with the responsibilities of being on Council and understanding that community comes first.

Do you think Mills River should be a Town?
Yes.  However, we have to change the way the Town is handling the responsibility of being a Town.   At times Councilmembers have only worried about protecting their interests or those of their friends and that greed has cost the Town.  Most citizens fail to see the benefits of paying taxes to the Town of Mills River and I don't blame them.   The Town currently provides Fire protection, Law enforcement, Street Lights, Planning, Street Maintenance and Building Code enforcement of which the only service that would fail to exist if Mills River wasn't a Town is Planning.  And, if we are being honest, Mills River has done a terrible job of planning.  One has to only look at the destruction of our rural landscaping and haphazard land use to see the results. I believe in a small government, but I also believe that governments should make their constituents lives better.  Mills River can be that government.  We can regain community by building bonds of trust and putting community over self. 

What would your goals on Council be?
My number one priority is to keep Mills River rural.  This can be accomplished through preservation of our farmland, restricting commercial development to existing commercial districts and restricting growth in residential areas.  My second goal is to foster community.  In a world characterized by rapid change and relentless challenges, it is all to easy to retreat into our own corners, to view our neighbors as adversaries rather than allies.  This isolation only serves to deepen the divides that separate us and undermine the fabric of our communities.  It's the responsibility of our community leaders to promote working collaboratively through listening to one another and investing in our neighborhoods. My third goal is to create more opportunities for input and transparency.  When is the last time a Council member came into your neighborhood for your input?  Your tax dollars pay the salary of our Councilmembers so what have they done to understand your wishes?  I am committed to gathering your input and creating opportunities outside of Council meetings to interact and forge meaningful connections. 


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